Saturday, January 26, 2008

Food That Can Make Your Dog Sick

You know chocolate is not good for your pet, but do you know the other four foods that can make your pet sick?
We have heard of not giving our pet chocolate, but are you aware of these other foods below? The foods we, human, consume are delicious and perfectly safe, not always good for our pet.

Dogs and cats owner should watch out for these five particular foods listed here.

As much as you love your best friend and want to share everything with him or her, it is best to keep our human foods to ourselves.

Chocolate has a high content of cocoa, especially the dark one. The theobromine substance in all chocolate is a stimulant that can affect heart rate, and central nervous system. If your dog or cat consumes as little as two ounces of chocolate, he/she may have diarrhea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat or muscle trembling.

Gum and Candy
Gum and candy that contain xylitol is a danger for your pet if he/she eats a few pieces. The xylitol is a common sweetener can cause a drop in blood sugar. Your dog becomes weak, may have seizures, liver failure, and could die.

The chemical called n-propyl disulfide in onions break down red blood cells, and prevent oxygen from circulating. If your dog or cat consumes just about three ounces, he/she may have blood in urine; feel weak, fast heart rate, and breathing rapidly. This can cause serious threat.

Grapes and Raisins
For just half an ounce of raisins, or a handful of grape, your dog may have kidneys failure in 48 hours. This can bring on stomach upset, vomiting and may lead to death.

Dog and cat if consume about one teaspoon of salt can be seriously sick, because salt changes how liquid holds in your pet's body. In some cases, it causes swelling in your pet's brain. This causes your pet tremor, and seizure, and sometimes death.

Not that you are going to feed your pet mushrooms, but here is a little note about it. Store bought mushrooms are perfectly safe for your pet, but back yard mushrooms are poisonous and dangerous, so be aware.

If your pet accident eats one of these foods, has difficulty breathing, seizure, or unconsciousness, rush him/her to the pet hospital right away. Remember your pet's birthday, weight, breed, and how much he/she consumed would aid the process of treating your furry friend faster.

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