Sunday, June 22, 2008

The World's Ugliest Dog 2008...Meet Gus

Every beauty contestant needs a platform, and Gus’ is to bring awareness and hope to people with pets that have been diagnosed with cancer. He is trying very hard to make it to California this year for the contest. Last year he couldn’t attend because his immune system was weakened by chemotherapy. He had a wonderful year (or should I say 7 years,) but unfortunately had a relapse in January. He is a fighter, and is currently facing radiation treatments.

Cancer aside, Gus is just your average one-eyed, three-legged, toothless, and hairless dog. I mean HAIRLESS, he is so hairless that he puts the Chinese-crested breed name to shame. No beautiful tail plume for him – his tail looks like it belongs on a rat. His official color is pink and black. Who ever heard of a pink dog? Someone once asked me if he had been in a fire! But when I look into his eye, all I see is the sweet, beauty he truly is. He is our beloved family pet, and our hearts go out to all the pet owners dealing with serious illnesses and the difficult task of weighing quality of life vs treatment issues. A wise friend told me you should think of the three things that your dog likes to do the best. When he is unable to enjoy those activities anymore, then it is time to let go. For Gus, those three things are: lounging on the couch, growling at the cat (that scratched his eye out,) and eating his favorite Hungry Howie’s pizza. I think he just might be around for a while.

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